New Launch Planning


New Launch Planning

New launches are challenging since it can be tricky gauging consumer needs for a new idea and also estimating the right marketing mix.

A product launch strategy requires a strong marketing planning process as well as nuanced thinking for estimating customer reactions to a new concept.

A. Structured Market Analysis

AOVANTAGE provides you with the framework to examine your prevailing market, use surrogate markers to gauge potential & create a Winning Launch Plan

Each stakeholder is evaluated, customers are researched & areas of success are defined to further ensure a robust marketing strategy for the launch of the new product.

B. Insight Driven Plans

Basis the insights generated and internal discussions, a comprehensive launch road map is created to give the new brand the best possible chance of success

We can help in the on-ground execution of the product launch strategy which can entail

  • Working with advertising agencies to finalize the communication for the launch – the communication theme, launch collaterals, execution across media
  • Packaging & Design elements for the launch product or group of products
  • Creating the internal brand communication & training for relevant stakeholders
  • Program implementation – specific marketing campaign for new product launch
  • Creating & Execution of Digital Marketing Solutions for the launch

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